What distribution of material for plywood production?

The distribution of 18mm exterior grade plywood of ash willow in North Korea, Japan,Russia and mainland China in Shaanxi,Gansu,Hubei,Northeast China, North China and other places, growing at an altitude of 700 meters to 2100 meters in the region, generally grow in the slopes of sparse forests or valleys of gentle mountains, has not been artificially introduced by cultivation. In China, the 25mm marine plywood price is mainly distributed in the eastern Daxinganling and Xiaoxinganling of Heilongjiang and Changbai Mountains of Jilin in northeast China, 25mm marine plywood price and to the west in the Qianshan Mountains of Liaoning, the Yanshan Mountains of Hebei, and local areas of Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu. It has scientific significance for the study of Tertiary flora and Quaternary glacial period climate. Although the distribution area is wide, most of the plants are scattered.

But most of marine grade teak plywood are scattered, and due to excessive felling,the number is decreasing, and large trees are not common now.Only a few areas in the distribution area.Only some areas in the distribution area have built nature reserves (such as Changbai Mountain, etc.), and most areas have no specific protection measures.AA marine plywood is recommended that the relevant authorities select,sealing marine grade plywood is recommended that the relevant authorities should select appropriate sites and forest parts, establish protection sites, protect
the existing large trees, and collect seedlings to expand the afforestation
area.Bunnings marine grade ply has been introduced and cultivated in Harbin,Changchun, Shenyang, Beijing, etc. Request a quote

Application in furniture

4×8 marine plywood price, compared to pine, is harder and more
wear-resistant. Compared with mahogany, it is moderately priced and
pro-friendly. Also as aquatek marine plywood in general, the texture is beautiful, “up to the hall, into the kitchen”. In today’s strong trend of returning to nature, simple and antique Under the strong trend of returning to nature and simplicity and antiquity, the clear texture of ash willow solid wood furniture and chess a chip higher, often with the traditional mortise and tenon construction , simple, beautiful line.9mm marine grade plywood article design, once again by the market attention. In the furniture decoration, ash willow for us is more common. okoume marine plywood suppliers material is slightly hard, the biggest characteristic is the clear and beautiful wood grain, corrosion resistance, good water resistance, easy processing, toughness.It has good coloring performance and good decorative properties. In addition, the price of 4 by 8 marine plywood is relatively inexpensive,after the brush varnish color.The color is more yellow, plus a few years ago, the general use of decorative willow, so mention it people always feel that marine grade plywood waterproof is
not high-grade, but also too tacky,In fact, as long as the careful processing, coarse grain,fully show the effect of ash willow wood grain, can definitely create elegant and not vulgar decorative effect. In the use of ash as solid wood materials,companies can choose bleaching process, fading yellow, ash willow color becomes lighter; can also do clear mixed processing, so that the wood grain dyed black or white, to create the ash willow modern sense.

Birch marine ply 303 grade acommon name for about 40 species of ornamental or timber trees and shrubs of the genus Betula in the family Betulaceae. It is found in the cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The ivory birch (Euphorbiaceae) and West Indian birch 12mm marine grade plywood(Burseraceae) are not true birches.


Birch (huàmù) English name: birch species Latin: Betulaspp

Morphological characteristics birch wbp marine plywood bark is smooth, resinous, white or mottled, with transverse lenticels, usually flaking horizontally into flakes (especially in young trees), and the bark of older trunks is thick and deeply furrowed,splitting into irregular segments. Young trees have short, slender branches that rise up in a narrow tower-shaped crown; older trees have horizontal and often pendulous branches. Leaves are ovate or triangular, usually caudate, with toothed margins, alternating on branchlets, often bright green, turning yellow in autumn. Pendulous male catkins emerge before the leaves; monoecious; female catkins are smaller and erect, cone-like bunches that split at maturity,scattering one tiny winged nutlet seed.

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European White Birch (Betulapendula)

Young birch, paper bark birch, black birch, dwarf birch, red birch and white birch marine grade plywood suppliers near me are the best known; in England white birch is usually called silver birch, but paper birch and red birch are sometimes called silver birch. The Japanese birch or king birch (B. maximowicziana) is a useful timber tree, mostly used in the
plywood industry. It is usually 30 meters (100 feet) tall, with peeling gray or
orange-gray bark and heart-shaped leaves about 15 centimeters (6 inches) long,and is a hardy ornamental plant. Japanese cherry birch roseburg ab marine plywood (B. grossa) is similar and the wood is available. Water birch (B. occidentalis or B. fontinalis) is a marine plywood 25mm thick shrubby tree native to North America in moist places along the western coast,gurjan plywood 710 bwp with non-flaking, deep red bark that grows in clusters with stems growing from a common root system. It is also known as red birch, black birch, or mountain birch marine plywood company. The dwarf birch (B. pumila) is a similar but smaller shrub found in swampy places, standing erect or spreading over the ground. The North American
bog birch (B. glandulosa), also called tundra birch, resin birch, dwarf birch
or dwarf arctic birch (B. nana), are dwarf alpine and tundra shrubs with
suborbicular leaves that are a food source for birds and herbivores and can be cultivated for ornamental purposes.

Several species of Chinese birch and Japanese white birch 12mm marine plywood bunnings(B.platyphyllajaponica) are also used for ornamental purposes. Birch is a hybrid between a tree and a shrub, cultivated in Europe and North America as an ornamental plant.

Birch Applications

White birch the light brown to reddish-brown wood of birch is used for flooring, furniture,pulp, interior decorative materials, automotive and marine equipment, and marine grade plywood home hardware. The thin, impermeable bark was used by North American Indians and early settlers for roofing, canoeing, and shoe making. 4×4 marine plywood birch tar is obtained by dry distillation of its bark. Birch beer is made from the sap of birch trees.Forest dwellers would use wet red birch and paper bark birch bark to light fires. Birch was one of the first trees to form after the glaciers retreated.It is hardy, fast-growing, immune to pests and diseases, and is used for reforestation, erosion control, protective cover or as a conservation tree. It requires moist, fertile sandy or loamy soil, and can be propagated by seeding and grafting. Birch has a slightly pronounced annual rings, straight and obvious grain, fine and soft smooth material structure, and soft or moderate texture. Birch is elastic, easy to crack and warp when dry, not wear-resistant.Good processing performance, smooth cutting surface, good painting and gluing performance. Commonly used in carved parts, now less used. Betula papyrifera (paper bark birch)Birch is a mid-grade wood, both solid wood and veneer are common. Produced in northeast North China, the wood is delicate light white slightly yellow, poor fiber shear force, easy to “flush stubble broken”. Its roots and knots more pattern. Ancient people often used it for door cores and other decorations. Its bark is soft and beautiful.Pope people have great affection for it, often inlaid with knife sheaths and bows and other places. Only its wood is juicy and deformed, so it is rare to see tables and chairs made entirely of birch. Growing in the northern hemisphere,it has a shiny surface and a smooth mechanism. Yellow-white douglas fir plywood marine grade slightly brown, the annual rings are obvious, the wood body pure fine, slightly heavy hard, fine structure, mechanical strength, elastic, moisture absorption,dry easy to crack warp. Not very durable in an environment prone to decay, more often used in the form of plywood. Birch is usually used for special plywood,
furniture, and fine wood spinning. The furniture made is smooth and
wear-resistant, with clear patterns. Today it is used for structures, parquet
work and interior frames. Its strong 4mm marine grade plywood is often used for furniture,agricultural tools and household items. Birch is also a common decorative road tree.

Growth Habit

Grows in the Northern Hemisphere and has a shiny surface and smooth mechanism. It is white with a slightly pinkish ivory or grayish-yellow core. Not very durable in decay-prone environments, and is more often used in plywood form. Today it is used for structures, marquetry joinery and interior framing.

Main treatment

1、Canker sores at the beginning (swelling, pain and hard knots, want to break). Burn the birch bark and make it into a powder, and serve a spoonful with warm wine. After taking it, rest in bed. One serving is effective. 2, lung wind poisonous sores (sores all over the body scabies such
as plague, as well as acute still itching, face wind thorns, women acne, etc.).
With birch bark ash four two, burnt hedgehog shell (to remove Rang) four two,thorny mustard spike two two, sizzling licorice half two, research for the end;another two almonds (boiled in water, remove the skin tip), research for the mud, and the powder mix. Take two coins per serving, after meals, and mix with warm wine. If you get sick, take the medicine three times, this formula is called “birch bark san”.

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Oder:(Wood bark) 9mm marine plywood 8×4,Bitter, mild, non-toxic. Indications:

1. Canker sores at
the beginning (swelling, pain and hardness, not yet broken). Use birch bark
burned for sex, research into the powder, warm wine to send a spoonful. After taking that bed rest a service to see the effect.

2.lung wind poisonous sores (sores all over the body scabies such as plague, as well as acute still itching, face wind thorns, women acne, etc.). With birch
bark ash four two, burnt hedgehog shell (to remove Rang) four two, thorny
mustard spike two two, roasted licorice half two, research for the end; another two almonds (boiled in water, remove the tip of the skin) two, research for the mud, and the powder mix. Take two coins per serving, after meals, and mix with warm wine. If you get sick, take the medicine three times, this formula is called “birch bark san”.

3、Small cases are hot and short. And birch bark boiled into juice to
drink. Birch okoume bs1088 is often associated with exorcism, but in practical application,its leaf juice is an excellent mouthwash for oral wounds. For thousands of years, the sap of birch has been used to make medicinal wine, and its leaves are drunk as a diuretic in tea. It is also an ingredient in lotions and ointments, perhaps because of its astringent properties. In recent years it has been used in perfumes. Russian birch used to produce wood tar, which was used in the leather and soap industries, but it can also help rheumatic joints, gout and skin infections. Birch is the main ingredient in the hair care product “Plant Birch Water”, which is popular in Germany. The main chemical constituent of birch – methyl salicylate – is also the main ingredient of aspirin, which shows that birch has pain-relieving properties. In addition, birch gives it a leathery scent in male cleansing products, which are popular in France. Its strong wood is often used for furniture, agricultural tools and household products. Birch is also common as a decorative road tree.

Related information

Birch marine grade plywood stores is often associated with exorcism, but in
practical terms, its leaf sap is an excellent gargle for mouth wounds. For
thousands of years, the sap of birch has been used to make medicinal iquor,
and its leaves are drunk as a diuretic in tea. It is also an ingredient in lotions and ointments, perhaps because of its astringent properties. In recent years it has been used in perfumes. Russian birch used to produce wood tar,which was used in the leather and soap industries, but it can also help rheumatic joints, gout and skin infections. Birch is the main ingredient in the hair care product “Plant Birch Water”, which is popular in Germany.
The main chemical constituent of birch – methyl salicylate – is also the main
ingredient of aspirin, which shows that birch marine grade pressure treated plywood has pain-relieving properties. In addition, birch gives it a leathery scent in male cleansing products, which are popular in France. Its strong wood is often used for furniture, agricultural tools and household products. Birch is also common as a decorative road tree.

Elm family, Elm genus, mainly produced in the temperate zone,deciduous trees, trees tall, throughout the north,especially the Yellow River basin, everywhere. Elm 8ft x 4ft marine plywood is tough, clear texture, moderate hardness and strength, general relief carving can adapt,smooth planing surface, string surface pattern beautiful, “chicken wing wood” pattern, can be used for furniture, decoration, etc. Elm marine plywood amazon by drying, shaping, carving and grinding paint, can make beautiful carved lacquer crafts. It can be found everywhere in the northern furniture market.

Basic information

Definition 1 Elm tree; elm wood 2 Elm marine plywood thicknesses, known as “elm pimple”, said that it is not open, difficult to solve the difficult to cut the so-called. Family: Elm family (Ulmaceae) Elm genus (Ulmus).Latin name: ULMUSRUBRA,. English scientific name:Distribution characteristics: straight wood texture, clear pattern, good wood elasticity,moisture resistance, corrosion resistance. Mainly produced in temperate zones,deciduous trees, tall trees, to the north, especially the Yellow River basin,North China plain areas can be seen.

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Elm marine plywood delivered, known as “elm pimple”, said that it is not open, difficult to solve the difficult to cut the so-called. In fact, with the current gaze, the old elm marine plywood manufacturer is more like a good understanding of the “market” veterans, whether it is in front of the King’s Hall,or the people’s backyard, see its dashing standing figure, bold and cheerful laughter, embellished with decorative talent. The old elm wood, with its own tough character, heavy personality, and accommodating mind, occupies a huge share of the market and has won the unanimous praise and appreciation of the people! Elm wood is tough, the texture is clear, the hardness and strength are moderate, the general relief carving can adapt, the planing surface is smooth,the string surface pattern is beautiful, there is a “chicken wing wood” pattern, is one of the main furniture with wood. The wood is characterized by a clear distinction between heart and sapwood, with narrow dark yellow sapwood and dark purple-gray heartwood; the material is light and hard, with high mechanical strength, straight grain and coarse structure. It can be used for furniture, decoration, etc. Elm 7 ply marine grade plywood can be dried, shaped,carved and lacquered to make beautiful carved and lacquered crafts. It can be found everywhere in the furniture market in the north. Elm and beech synthetic marine plywood produced in the south have the name of “northern elm and southern beech”. And the width of the material is wide, the texture is warm and
excellent; deformation rate is small, carving ornamentation is mostly rough. It is the great man in the wood, the great man.

Food value

The young fruits and leaves of the elm tree can be eaten or used as fodder. It has been documented that during the Norwegian famine in the mid-19th century,Norwegian farmers fed on the trunks of water-burned elm trees.

Medicinal value

The fruit, bark and leaves can be used as medicine. For example, the Chinese medicine herb elm bark is made from the dried bark or root bark of the elm tree, and is effective in treating dysuria, scabies, canker sores, and slippery fetuses.

Other Uses

The tough elm bark can be made into ropes. Elm is also resistant to toxic gases such as carbon dioxide and chlorine. It contains beta-sitosterol, phytol,soya-sitol and many other sesterols, tan, gum and fatty oils. In medieval Europe, elm wood was used to make water pipes, which could be kept wet for a long time without decaying.


There are two types of elmsynthetic marine plywood: yellow elm marine grade plywood suppliers and purple elm. Yellow elm is common, the marine plywood sheet price is light yellow when newly cut, and the color gradually deepens with age;while purple elm is born black and purple, and the color is close to that of old mahogany. Therefore, the northern furniture to elm wood as the largest,there are wax to do, there are also lacquer to do. Elm sheet of marine plywood cost and other materials symbiotic, Shanxi, Shandong, Hebei, Henan and other ancient furniture provinces at any time visible traces of elm furniture. Elm furniture production spans a wide range of years, from the early Ming Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, and never ceased production, its evolutionary process, the Regional characteristics are very clear. The early elm furniture to worship furniture,such as for the table for the case, the shape of the ancient, mostly in temples, family shrines, etc., and thus can be preserved today. There is a carved elm bruynzeel plywood marine basin, no paint and no decoration, by long touch and air oxidation,the coating oil bright eye-catching, wood grain is old and vigorous.Centuries-old relics, intact, caressing the heart as crispy. As if touching the face of the vicissitudes of the years.

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