Research on the construction technology of main formwork in building formwork engineering

In recent years, more and more urban construction projects in our country have focused on the introduction of advanced construction technology, especially the requirements for formwork projects are getting higher and higher. The formwork project is related to the quality, progress and cost of the construction project, which requires improving the safety of formwork construction and adopting advanced construction technology. This article mainly starts from the construction technology of concrete formwork in construction projects and discusses ways to improve the quality of formwork construction.

1.Analysis on the development of main formwork construction technology in building formwork engineering
In the 1970s, my country’s construction industry began to develop rapidly. In response to the development, my country made certain adjustments to construction technology, and steel bars were used in formwork construction. With the development of high-rise buildings, cast-in-place concrete structures gradually replace traditional cast-in-place structures. The use of concrete can improve earthquake resistance and stability, cheap and cost-effective, and improves the economic benefits of construction companies. The use of cast-in-place concrete promoted the development of main formwork construction technology, and under the research of relevant technical personnel, new formwork construction has been widely used. In the 1980s, a set of normative standards was produced for formwork construction technology, which use to improve project quality.

2.Application of main formwork construction technology in building formwork engineering
2.1Construction design
In the construction formwork project, the main formwork must be scientifically designed based on the actual conditions of the building object. The quality of its design will have an important impact on later construction. Therefore, technical personnel should pay attention to the design work. Before designing, they should comprehensively grasp the external and internal environment of the construction, design drawings, and clarify component parameters. The templates in the drawings include beam formwork, wall formwork, and main formwork. The personnel record the template parameters required in the construction project to prevent data confusion and distortion and ensure the smooth progress of the design work. During the construction design process, various parameters are strictly implemented. If components with complex structures are encountered, a variety of methods are used. Calculation method, calculate the most suitable parameters, and complete the accuracy and completeness of the template design.

2.3 Construction process
In the construction of the main formwork, each link has corresponding technology and management methods, so its construction needs to be based on actual conditions. For example, the wall formwork construction process must be carefully planned, because the wall formwork is very important to the overall construction, and it is not easy to determine the location in actual work. In order to ensure the safety of the construction, special supervisors are required during formwork construction. The construction of column formwork is also very complicated and the process is cumbersome, requiring repeated measurement and confirmation of the length and diagonal of the column. During the construction of the stair formwork, attention should be paid to the pouring of the platform part to ensure a compact structure. In particular, the width standard of the stairs is very high, and the dimensions must be mastered. The above three points of main formwork construction have high technical requirements for construction personnel and need to be paid great attention to. Managers must think about problems from multiple angles and analyze them carefully when working. When installing the formwork, the quality and quantity are repeatedly confirmed, and good performance is required, so that it will not deform even if it is affected by external forces. After construction, attention should also be paid to preliminary maintenance work to improve construction quality. In order to ensure the accuracy of pouring and installation, the main formwork installation process was repeatedly confirmed based on the design drawings to ensure that the formwork construction quality met the standards.
First, after the cushion formwork is installed, important data need to be re-measured to ensure construction quality. Second, when installing the foundation beam formwork, fully consider its structure and characteristics. When using brick masonry membranes, it is necessary to conduct repeated experiments on the proportion of cement slurry to maximize its quality. If the width of the foundation beam is not large, It is not necessary to use horizontal formwork, just use lateral formwork splicing, but attention should be paid to ensuring the solidity of the edges of the cushion formwork and the supporting structure after installation to prevent deformation caused by external forces. Some templates may deform after being subjected to huge forces. Cotton slivers can be added to avoid slurry leakage. Third, during the construction of the main formwork of the wall, due to the large area of the wall, one formwork cannot completely cover it. Two pieces can be used for splicing. During the splicing process, first determine the splicing line, process the edges of the formwork, and repeatedly check the verticality of the formwork. and elevation, etc., to ensure that the wall structure meets the standards. After proofreading, the formwork is fixed with support nails. Quality management is strengthened in the process. After the formwork is installed, its axis position, verticality, joints and other data are repeatedly verified.

2.4 Mold removal technology
Formwork removal technology is the last link in the construction of the main formwork. This link is very important and requires construction personnel to attach great importance to it, enhance their sense of responsibility and improve their concentration. During the removal process, excessive force should not be used, otherwise the integrity of the formwork will be destroyed. During the formwork dismantling work, the non-load-bearing parts should be removed first and then the load-bearing parts. After all removal, the formwork should be maintained. Once damaged formwork is found during the maintenance process, repair it in time to enhance the utilization rate of the formwork.

3.Methods to improve main formwork construction technology
The improvement of technology is discussed from the management and technical aspects. On the one hand, the main formwork must be strictly implemented in accordance with relevant standards in the actual and construction stages to avoid random construction that reduces the construction quality of the main formwork. Develop a complete quality management mechanism, including design plans, technical explanations, construction supervision and acceptance, etc. Strengthen the training of construction personnel and management personnel to ensure that each construction link is within a certain control range. Management personnel pay more attention to quality management and supervise quality in every link from before construction, during construction to after construction. and review, the construction personnel have sufficient mastery of their technology and carry out relevant technical operations in accordance with the construction process. In general, construction management is carried out from aspects such as improving systems and enhancing training. On the other hand, new technologies are used to improve the quality and efficiency of project construction. Nowadays, BIM formwork engineering design software has a variety of data supports, which can quickly generate the main formwork calculation book, display the construction technology and assembly effect of the formwork, and facilitate the operation of the construction personnel. Its three-dimensional renderings can be completed with low technical skills and convenient for employees. Design and construct formwork.

In summary, during the construction process, the application of main formwork construction technology is very important. A scientific design plan is a prerequisite to ensure construction. Therefore, it must be designed in accordance with national standards, and the concrete and steel bars required during the construction process must be scientifically managed. Strict supervision must be carried out during the specific construction process to strengthen the quality of formwork construction.

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